Gross Global Happiness Summit
University for Peace, Costa Rica
March 8 - 10 , 2024
Learn about a guiding map which sparks your imagination, and can be used to consciously balance your life.
Your body is a navigation system, and an instrument with which to experience the world.
What shows up in your body is not just the "wear and tear" of repetitive sports, but the under- or over-use of a particular aspect of being.
When you learn the language of your body it will reveal your unconscious habits and beliefs.
The Magic Square
Gillian shares a living tool “the Magic Square” which we can implement to become fluent in the language the body uses to send signals to help us navigate decisions and reveal patterns of behaviour.
Participate in a revelatory mapping technique for your life.
Discover a new perspective on the orientation of yourself in a complex world.

“Your interactive lecture once again revealed to me your broad base of knowledge and I loved your delivery. Using metaphors for better understanding and humour for better engagement. It was a joy, thank you!”
— Saskia K.