The Yin and Yang of Love

The meaning of Yin Yang in love or in a relationship does not necessarily depend on gender. The positive and negative aspects of yin and yang represent the desire for a balanced relationship. When a balanced state with yin and yang energies is reached, the two opposites become a constructive force.

A couple with a balanced Chi relationship will shape, build and drive their lives together.

When we become aware of how much of a relationship we give and take, we refine our relationships to a healthy balance of power and acceptance. While yin and yang are opposites, the benefit of their relationship is the amount of yin in yang and yang in yin. It takes instinct and openness to balance both energies and this must be conveyed to achieve the ideal state. The art of good yoga is to fight your propensity to be habitual. By practicing yoga in this manner you generate heat, moisture, and agitation. Your body is designed to "fit" so that it fits your environment. The practice is designed for each of you to demand out of yourselves that "fit".

Refinement and integration. It has to be conveyed through a third thing, you.

There are many ways in which you can balance your state of being, serve your own energy and sharpen your own consciousness. Of course, a good yoga class is one of the methods we offer at Lumines. On the mat, our job is more than working on the physical level. Our yoga practice becomes an opportunity for us to reflect on our habits and patterns and to create them again and again.

Everything that is part of nature reflects a larger pattern.

The body is no different.

We can only change a pattern if we are aware of it and repeat it over and over again. From subtle patterns like our sleep and digestive cycles to obvious patterns like the seasons or ageing, we are part of the natural world. Our job in yoga is to manipulate the patterns that do not serve us and to cultivate and develop new ones that help us function better. And because the narrative of our life is reflected in the body,

To refine a yoga pose again and again means a change in physical habits, a change in our physical perspective. Ultimately, they bring changes in our psychology, our behavioural patterns.


Loving Kindness